Welcome, Friend!

Would you like to play my Riddle Escape game? Great! My games are a fun activity for adults and kids ages 8 and up. It can be played individually or in a small group or family. Just purchase below and print out the digital download.

Yes, it must be printed. This is a hands on game that will require you to cut and fold. You are trying to figure out a four digit passcode to unlock my safe. You must figure out the number answers to my five riddles. Then, add them together to get the combination. Once you know the passcode, come back to my website and try to open the safe.

So, what are you waiting for? Do you have the smarts to complete my game? We’ll see.


Mr. Ree

Riddle Escape – Original
Difficulty Level:

Enlighten the Mind

Better critical thinking and logic skills

Solve Puzzles

Figure out amusing and clever puzzles

Play in a Group or Individually

Build comradery or focus on your inner strength

Fun Experience

Fun and creative analytical challenge

"Do you have the smarts to figure out my Riddle Escape game? We'll see."
Mr. Ree

It takes between a half hour and one hour to play.

The game is geared for kids and adults 8 and up.  An eight year old will be able to contribute, but will likely have a hard time solving it alone. For adults, it is on the easier side of an escape game.  It would be a fun family activity with both parents and kids.

Either!  It’s great in a small group of 2-4 or individually.

Yes, it must be printed.  You cannot solve the game without a printed download.

The must be print with a color printer.  It should be printed double sided and flipped on the long edge. It should also be the full size or 100% size with no margins. The document itself is within a printer’s printable area. You can print it one sided if your printer can’t do double side printing, but it’s a bit more work to arrange the booklet.

After the document is printed, you will need a pen or marker, scissors, and glue or tape would be helpful as well.

First, ask your friends and family for help. It’s a fun activity to do with other people. If you’re still stuck, you can email me at mrree@riddleescape.com